

Our mandate is to promote diverse methods of leanings for youths and other members that can ultimately contribute in their integration process. We are committed to building strong social connections among diverse members, community, and promote values that can enhance the Canadian Diversity Mosaic.

The four key focus of the organization:

Education: It plays a key role in the empowerment of the society. PEACE applies both traditional and non traditional educational methods to facilitate learning for youths and other members.

Multiculturalism: We are committed to engage in kind of activities that will enhance Canada’s role as multicultural leaders in the world and facilitate in the execution of Canadian Diversity Model.

Multilingualism and Mother Languages: PEACE looks to play a role as an active leader in the community and advocate for the establishing of International Mother Language Day in Canada. Through collaboration and others forms of involvement the organization look to establish and promote importance of preserving languages that are on the verge of extinct.

Social Connection: Our organizations heavily relies to establishing partnership and networks with diverse set of actors and organizations.