
Bringing innovative school close to your home,is our way to serve you

The 21st century is a time of enormous opportunities and challenges. To take advantages of opportunities and winning the challenges we may want to remind us the inspiring advice of Mahatma Gandhi:  “We must be the change we wish to see in the world”.

One would agree that the speed of technological advancement at this time of our life is so high that it’s difficult to keep focus on the goal we set. Schools are busy to complete the curriculum; kids are busy to abuse the unlimited access to anything they enjoy through internet and parents are busy to feed and support them. We Canadians are blessed with a good public education system, however, the room for improvement is huge in order to win the challenges and taking the full advantages of opportunities.

Therefore, we, in P.E.A.C.E., focus on ultimate goal of parents and students by implementing specific action plan that brings results. Among others, we are committed:

  1. To assist in the prevention of at-risk children of dropping out school by :
  2. Providing after school, educational programs in a proactive and supportive learning environment;
  3. Educating parents and children on the topics of prevention of, and responses to, school drop-out by offering courses, seminars and meetings